Sunday, 16 August 2015

Which way to go

       The intensity of new Salsa playing in Nigeria for all intents and purposes requires caution since pertinent questions such as : Can I actually dance, how long will I last on the dance floor, will this dance present me in a good/bad light in public domain etc, needs answers.
      This is the dilemma facing the numerous public figures/elder statesmen/Governors(past and present) who are facing allegations of fraud/misappropriation of funds. So trendy is the gist that it is believed you have to be/join the ruling party to be granted some form of immunity!
The President ,though resolute about going hard on corrupt practices ,is yet to take strong actions in that regard with the PDP claiming the allegations are one sided.
So many questions and arguments have been raised on the clear way to go, such as:

- Time frame for the probe?
- Why should this administration probe only the last administration?
- How will these probes affect fiscal policy(ies) and economic growth?
- Can the stolen funds be recovered and to what extent will they be recovered,totally or partially?
- Can we really move forward without creating another crisis for the country from the impact of the probes and its revelations?

Let's set the wheels of progress in motion and persevere with the change which we so crave because a New Nigeria is all we need.

Waiting to see a Nigeria where things are working.

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